Countries Programs Choose countries and programs Choose programs in USA OPT (Optional Practical Training) A program for international students that allows them to work in the United States for up to one year after graduation. Community College Programs Two-year degree programs available nationwide to earn an Associate's degree. Work and Travel USA A program for students to work and travel in the U.S. during the summer. Internship USA Internship programs for students and recent graduates. English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs English language courses for international students. Graduate Assistantship Programs that offer funding for master's and doctoral students in exchange for teaching or research activities. Fulbright Program A fellowship program for teaching and research. Camp America A summer camp work program for youth. Choose programs in Canada PGWP (Post-Graduation Work Permit) A work permit for Canadian graduates. Study and Work in Canada Job-embedded training programs. Co-op Programs Combined training and paid work programs. Au Pair Canada Residential child care program. International Experience Canada (IEC) Programs for young people, including Working Holiday, Young Professionals, International Co-op. English and French Language English and French language courses for international students. Express Entry Program Skilled worker immigration program. Choose programs in United Kingdom Internships in the UK Internship programs for students and recent graduates. Traineeships Short-term programs to gain skills and work experience. Sandwich Courses Programs with a year of paid internship. Foundation Year Pre-university preparatory courses. Teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) English teacher training courses. Tier 4 Visa (Student Visa) A program that allows students to work while studying. Chevening Scholarships Scholarship program for undergraduate and graduate students. Erasmus+ Programme Training and internship opportunities for EU students. Choose programs in Germany FSJ (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) A voluntary social year providing an opportunity to work in social institutions. BFD (Bundesfreiwilligendienst) Federal voluntary service, similar to FSJ, but open to all ages. Au Pair Germany A program for young people working in childcare for German families. Ausbildung Professional training programs combining theory and practice. DAAD Scholarships Scholarships for study and research in Germany. Studienkolleg Preparatory courses for international students before entering the university. Dual Studies Combined study and work programs in Germany. Choose programs in Austria Volunteer Programs Various volunteer programs in social or environmental projects. Vorstudienlehrgang Preparatory courses for international students. Erasmus+ Programme Exchange programs for students. Au Pair Austria Residential child care program. Studienbeihilfe Scholarships for students with financial hardship. Praktikum (Internship) Internships for students of various majors. Ausbildung A vocational training program similar to the German system. Choose programs in Poland Studia niestacjonarne University degree programs. Poland My First Choice Study programs for international students. Au Pair Poland Residential child care program. Erasmus+ Programme Exchange programs for students. Studia podyplomowe Postgraduate programs. Summer Schools Summer schools for students of various majors. Work and Study Programs programs that allow you to learn and work at the same time.